Concord Life Science Center, Growing Startup Community

The Concord Life Science Center is growing, we just added a new member to our community of science based startup companies.

Treedal, Inc., a research company developing new cosmetic products using natural ingredients. Treedal link is: Barbara Hulley is the Executive Director.

The other startup companies that are part of our Concord Life Science Center community are:

Welcome to Radices Bio Radices Bio is a specialty food ingredients company that leverages the power of nature to unlock functionality in next generation food formulations.  Carment Schicklberger, PhD and MBA is the company CEO..  The company link is


Prime Analytical Laboratories, LLC is a GMP contract testing laboratory. The lab provides analytical chemistry and microbiology testing services for the following industries, Hemp, cosmetics, food, medical devices and nutritional product companies.

Sensill company logoSensill, Inc.


Prime Reagents, LLC is a manufacturer of hand sanitizer, lab reagents and contract manufacture of liquid products.

We still have lab suites available.  If you are looking to start your small company, contact us !